Explore The Rosary Crusade Army!
“Give me an army praying the Rosary and I will change the world”
-Pope Pius IX
What: It is a parishioner-led initiative that seeks to energize and unify our faith community by learning and praying the rosary.
Why: You can change the world!
How: By enlisting in the Rosary Crusade Army, you only need to offer at least one decade of the Rosary weekly.
Where: In your home, car, school, work break, parish, or wherever is best for you!
When: Now! Our world needs the hope, grace and compassion that are provided through the intercession of the rosary.
Your Cost: Zero!
Your Gift: Your Prayers!
Your Benefit: You and hopefully many other crusade advocates, will feel enriched and purposeful in reciting the beautiful rosary prayer. Prayer can move mountains and connect hearts in purposeful ways.